Oh, Bodielove


(sang to the tune of "O, Christmas Tree")

Oh, Bodielove, Oh, Bodielove.
How lovely are thy lashes.
Oh, Bodielove, Oh, Bodielove.
How lovely are thy lashes.

Not only soft, but wicked long,
As they flutter close with our love song.
Oh, Bodielove, Oh, Bodielove,
How lovely are thy lashes.

Oh, Bodielove, Oh, Bodielove,
Your strong hands doth caress me.
Oh, Bodielove, Oh, Bodielove,
Your strong hands doth caress me.

For every kiss you bestow on me,
Curls my toes, with passion's plea.
Oh, Bodielove, Oh, Bodielove,
Your strong hands doth caress me.

Oh, Bodielove, Oh, Bodielove,
Thy soul flies with love so true.

Oh, Bodielove, Oh, Bodielove,
Thy soul flies with love so true.

Each smile doth shine through dreary day,
And makes my heart so light and gay.
Oh, Bodielove, Oh, Bodielove,
Thy soul flies with love so true.

-- THE END --

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