

Written for the April two-day drabble challenge on the discoveredinalj livejournal community

A sigh escaped his lips as satisfaction seeped through his body.


Shamed, the wonderful feeling changed to guilt. He froze in place, evidence in hand.

Doyle walked naked across the room to stand in front of his lover, disbelief etched across his face.

"Bodie? How could you? Without me?"

"Couldn't help myself, besides you don't like swallowing…"

"Never leave evidence exposed." Doyle licked what was left off Bodie's hand. "Odd how good it tastes this way." Doyle's eyes twinkled. "Caught you red-handed. What do you have to say for yourself?"

"Swissroll tastes good anywhere."

-- THE END --

April 2008

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